Celebrating the New Residents!

Dear MOLA family, let’s come together to honor and congratulate our  MOLA members who have successfully matched on residency. Their accomplishment is a testament to their perseverance, resilience, and passion for serving the Latino/a/e/x community.

Here are some of our outstanding members who have matched to residency:

  • Name: Maria Alejandra Canas, MD (She/Hers/Ella)
  • Specialty: Pediatrics
  • Program: East Carolina University Health Medical Center in Greenville, North Carolina
  • Name: Marco Constanza (he/him/his)
  • Specialty: Dermatology
  • Program: Washington University St. Louis
  • Name: Genesis Camacho Leon
  • Specialty: Internal Medicine
  • Program :DHR
  • Name: Sheila Toro
  • Specialty: Family Medicine
  • Program: Clinica Sierra Vista-CA
  • Name: Gurkaranvir Singh
  • Specialty:  Internal Medicine
  • Program: Creighton University, Phoenix
  • Name: Maria Fernanda Osorio
  • Specialty:  Internal Medicine
  • Program: U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL

As we celebrate this joyous occasion, let us also reaffirm our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment within our organization. Together, we can continue to uplift and empower each other to achieve greatness in our respective fields.


Warm regards,


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