Call for Nominations for the Annual Board Meeting

MOLA’s Board of Directors (BoD) plays a vital role in its governance, growth, and development.

Some of the main responsibilities for Board members are to attend and vote at monthly board meetings (11/year), support fundraising efforts, and actively participate in at least one MOLA Committee.

For this upcoming election, we have up to two positions available for General Membership and three position for an executive role:

General Membership:

  • Medical Student (1 position)
  • Medical Resident (1 position)

Executive Role: 
Please review the responsibilities for each executive role further in this email.

  • Vice President (1 position)
  • Membership Secretary (1 position)
  • Communications Secretary (1 position)

If you are interested in this opportunity or know someone who may be eligible, please email [email protected] no later than Friday, September 13, 2024, at 5PM Central Time with the following information:

Subject Line: Nomination for BoD – [Candidate Name]

Option 1: Self-nomination

  • Name
  • Contact email and cell phone
  • Curriculum vitae
  • A brief statement of interest

Option 2: Nominate a colleague

  • Name
  • Contact email and cell phone for the person nominating
  • Contact email and cell phone for the person being nominated
  • Reasons why you believe they are suited for the role

*If you nominate a colleague, we will reach out to the nominee to confirm their interest and ask for their CV 

Nomination applications are reviewed and subject to approval by MOLA’s Nominating Committee. Elections take place through an electronic voting process, and results will be announced on Saturday, October 26th, 2024 during our Annual Meeting, immediately following the MOLA-NAMS 2024 Annual Conference.

Executive Role Responsibilities:

Vice-President – The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of the President’s duties and responsibilities. The Vice-President shall perform all such other duties as directed by the President or the Board. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall have the powers and duties of the President. The Vice-President shall ascend to the Presidency of the Association at the completion of their  term.

Communications Secretary – The Communications Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Association, except meetings of committees, and perform such other duties as directed by the President or the Board.

Membership Secretary – The Membership Secretary shall keep a record of the membership list of the Association, and provide notice of all meetings, except meetings of committees and perform such other duties as directed by the President or the Board. The Membership Secretary shall be Chairperson of the Membership Committee and keep an accurate roll of all officers, directors, and members. The Membership Secretary shall attempt to increase the numbers of dues paying members of the Association.

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