It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved colleague, friend, and activist Dr. Virginia “Gini” Bishop. Her absence will be felt deeply by the communities in which she served as a physician and leader. Her relentless pursuit of and passion for health equity was central to who she was and lead many to follow her.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved colleague, friend, and activist Dr. Virginia “Gini” Bishop. Her absence will be felt deeply by the communities in which she served as a physician and leader. Her relentless pursuit of and passion for health equity was central to who she was and lead many to follow her.
A long time champion of Latino health affairs, Gini was a key figure in many health focused organizations throughout Chicago. From MOLA’s inception, Gini was an active member serving as a board advisor of MOLA where she was a key liaison between MOLA and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, where she served as an Associate Professor of Preventative Medicine. She was an integral component of MOLA’s 2nd annual Latino Health Symposium at Feinberg School of Medicine where she welcomed hundreds of participants to the symposium.
She was an excellent educator, who with 20 years of experience in public health and community-based research, inspired countless medical and public health students entering their professions. She used her voice like no other to fight for representation and empowerment of Latinos in medicine. She had an infective personality who pushed the needle on issues such as admitting more underrepresented minorities into medical school and medical Spanish opportunities for medical students.
Our community will sorely miss you. Thank you for empowering us all.
Es con un corazón lleno de tristeza le notificamos a nuestra comunidad que ha fallecido nuestra amada Dra. Virginia “Gini” Bishop. Se siente profundamente en nuestra comunidad Latina esta noticia de nuestra querida amiga, colega y activista. Su búsqueda incesante y su pasión por la equidad en la salud fue fundamental para quién era, y llevó a innumerables personas a seguirla.
Desde el inicio de MOLA, Gini formó parte de la junta de asesores siendo clave en la relación desarrollada con MOLA y Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine donde sirvió como Profesora Asociada de Medicina Preventiva. Fue integral en llevar a cabo el segundo simposio anual para la salud latina de MOLA y les dio la bienvenida a más de 200 personas al evento.
Principalmente ella fue una excelente profesora quien, a través de 20 años de experiencia en salud pública e investigación al nivel comunitaria, inspiró a estudiantes recién entrando a sus carreras de medicina y salud pública. No fue tímida. Luchó y usó su voz para alumbrar los problemas que afectan la salud de nuestra comunidad latina. Su pasión se convirtió en resultados. Por su liderazgo, entraron más estudiantes latinos a su facultad de medicina y se fueron aumentando las oportunidades para utilizar el español médico.
Que descanse en paz. Gracias por regalarnos su ejemplo.