Your health and that of our community is our number one priority during the COVID-19 pandemic
We know that our MOLA members are on the front lines both in terms of keeping our community educated and safe, and providing clinical care to those in need. Please see information and resources below regarding COVID-19.

Sign the Petition to Remove Barriers for Medical Graduates (IMGs) in Illinois to Help Fight COVID-19 pandemic
As the current COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow, it’s placing enormous strain on Illinois’ health care safety net. IMGs, who make more than one-quarter of all resident physicians, already play a vital part in delivering healthcare across the nation and must continue to use their talents to build our strained healthcare workforce during our current pandemic.
We are asking for an emergency relaxation of the medical license requirements to allow IMGs to treat patients in Illinois. The governors of New York, New Jersey, and California have already signed executive orders to allow foreign doctors to treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recovery from COVID-19 can take a long time, even in young adults with no chronic conditions
To our younger folks, please follow the appropriate COVID-19 guidelines to stay healthy and safe. According to a recent study by the CDC, among persons aged 18–34 years with no chronic medical conditions, one in five had not returned to their usual state of health after testing positive for COVID-19. This highlights just how necessary and important it is to have effective public health messaging targeting younger folks, especially younger folks of color.
La recuperación de COVID-19 puede llevar mucho tiempo, incluso en adultos jóvenes sin afecciones crónicas.
A nuestros jóvenes, por favor sigan las pautas correspondientes de COVID-19 para mantenerse saludables y seguros. En un estudio reciente del CDC, entre las personas de 18 a 34 años sin afecciones médicas crónicas, una de cada cinco no había regresado a su estado de salud normal después de testiar positivo de COVID-19. Esto demuestra lo importante que es tener mensajes sobre la salud pública efectivos dirigidos a los jóvenes, especialmente a los jóvenes de color.

Perspectives During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting physicians-in-training in unique and complex ways. Richard Gómez, MS3 at Loyola Stritch School of Medicine and Co-chair for MOLAs Medical Student Committee, offered a Latino/Hispanic perspective as a panelist during the medical student panel in a AMAs health equity YouTube series. Hear from the young, leading voices of our nation’s medical institutions as they share the health equity immediate and long-term considerations and impact this pandemic poses.

Dr. Joaquin Estrada, MOLAs Vice President, represented MOLA at the AMA Health Equity Panel to talk about his insights to make visible the issues facing Latinx/Hispanic communities, and for humanizing the conversation with his personal experiences. Thank you to all the panelists for all you have done and continue to do on the front lines to fight this pandemic.
How to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19

- Know how it spreads
- Best way to prevent COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed to the virus
- Virus is mainly spread from person to person
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public space, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available
- Avoid close contact
- Maintain at least a 6 feet distance between you and others if possible
- Cover your mouth and nose with a facemask when you are outside or around others
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect touched surfaces
- Be on alert for symptoms
Cómo protegerse y proteger a su familia de COVID-19
- Entérese cómo se propaga
- La mejor manera de prevenir COVID-19 es evitar la exposición a este virus
- Se cree que el virus se propaga principalmente de persona a persona
- Lávese las manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón por al menos 20 segundos especialmente después de haber estado en un lugar público, o después de sonarse la nariz, toser o estornudar
- Si no dispone de agua y jabón, use un desinfectante de manos que contenga al menos un 60% de alcohol.
- Evite el contacto directo
- Mantenga una distancia de 6 pies de las personas que no viven en su casa
- Póngase una mascarilla o cubreboca
- Cúbrase la nariz y la boca al toser y estornudar
- Limpie y desinfecte las superficies que se tocan con frecuencia
- Monitoree sus síntomas

Guidance for direct service providers
Who is at increased risk of COVID-19?
- Older adults
- People of any age who have serious underlying conditions
How can I protect myself and the people who I work with
- Keep at least 6 feet distance between each person
- Wear a cloth face covering
- Encourage clients to wear face covering
- Use PPE (mask, gloves, eye protection) if available
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol when you cannot wash your hands.
- Monitor your symptoms
Guía para proveedores de servicios directos
¿Quién está en mayor riesgo de COVID-19?
- Adultos mayores de edad
- Personas de cualquier edad con ciertas afecciones.
¿Cómo puedo protegerme a mí mismo y a las personas con las que trabajo?
- Mantenga al menos 6 pies de distancia entre cada persona
- Use una mascarilla o cubreboca
- Anime a los clientes a que se cubran la cara
- Use mascarilla, guantes, y protección para los ojos si es posible
- Lávese las manos por al menos 20 segundos o use desinfectante para manos que contenga al menos 60% de alcohol cuando no pueda lavarse las manos.
- Monitoree sus síntomas de la enfermedad del coronavirus

Mental Health and COVID-19

Follow these guidelines put together by the CDC to learn how to cope with stress and build resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, including things like:
- Taking care of your emotional health
- Taking breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories
- Making time to unwind and do other activities you enjoy
Siga estos pasos recomendados por el CDC para aprender a lidiar con el estrés y desarrollar la resiliencia durante la pandemia de COVID-19, que incluyen:
- Cuidar su salud emocional
- Tomar descansos y deje de mirar, leer o escuchar las noticias
- Hacer un tiempo para relajarse y hacer otras actividades que disfrute
Helpful Educational Visual Resources
MOLA in the News
During the COVID19 pandemic MOLA members participated in various Spanish media TV, radio, and digital platform interviews to provide high quality health information about staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic with our Spanish-speaking community. Many MOLA physicians were interviewed and reported information regarding our current COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch the interviews below.
- Dr. Ortega: Compromiso y solidaridad en tiempos de pandemia por coronavirus
- Dr. Moreira: Los latinos que sobrevivieron el coronavirus cuentan cómo se recuperaron sin ser hospitalizados
- Dr. Luna: En plena pandemia: arriesgan todo por un recorte
- Dr. Ortega: Qué tan seguro es recibir paquetes de internet ante la pandemia
- Dr. Luna: Actos de bondad durante la crisis del coronavirus en Chicago
- Dr. Pilar Ortega: Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women: COVID-19 Series
- Dr. Fidel Castillo: Hacer gárgaras con desinfectantes es altamente peligroso, advierten expertos
- Dr. Pilar Ortega: Usar mascarillas durante COVID-19
- Dr. Luna: Nuestra Salud Durante COVID-19 Webinar: Cómo la comunidad latina está siendo impactada