Advocacy is focused on highlighting locally relevant issues in healthcare education, access and provision, particularly for the Latino/Hispanic community as well as lobbying and having Latino voices heard by local policy makers. Our MOLA members continue to advocate for healthcare equality and equity for the Latino community but MOLA will also advocate for other minority groups who face similar challenges.

What Advocacy can Achieve

Postponement of Citizens Academy:
The ICE ERO “Citizens Academy” Pilot Program for undocumented immigrant arrest simulation training to start Sep 2020 in Chicago ICE Field office. The training will involve civilians in training on “facets and responsibilities of ICE/ERO (Enforcement and Removal) operations including “defensive tactics, firearms familiarization and targeted arrests.” Ice confirmed that the Citizens Academy course will take place, but denied they will train civilians to carry out arrests. Based on ICE’s history of abuses against immigrant populations, the fears surrounding this particular training aren’t unreasonable, but the exact nature and outcome of the training remains to be seen.
ICIRR, Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Organized Communities Against Deportations are celebrating the postponement of the upcoming ICE “Citizen’s Academy” previously scheduled to start on September 15. Both organizations have been very active in advocating against “Citizens Academy” and see the postponement as a sign of success for their efforts.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
For job opportunities, internship, fellowship, and scholarships
Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19 in Latinx Communities
Dr. Lourdes Shanjani gave a short talk about how social determinants of health are affecting Latinx communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Take a look at the video created by one of our interns, David Mata, MS2 at Loyola Stritch School of Medicine.
In case you missed it, check out the viral video bringing awareness for the need for Latino/Hispanic physicians. MOLA is dedicated to working for career advancement, linguistic and cultural competency, personal wellness, and health equity for the good of the entire Hispanic/Latino community.
See how you can sponsor or donate to help end the disparities through MOLAs programming here.
MOLA Stands with Black Lives Matters Movement
During these uncertain times in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, our country continues to tolerate painful racial injustice towards Black and Brown people. Our communities are living with anger, outrage, fear, and despondence.
MOLA stands in solidarity and allyship with our Black community, including our Black Latina/o/x community, at this very critical moment. The pain and struggles of any marginalized community affect us all. We take an unequivocal stand in calling out the corrupt power structures that have led to the disproportionate and unacceptable deaths of Black people in our country, both at the hands of police, and as a result of social indifference.
Continue reading MOLAs official statement here.

Chicago Mayor Unveils $5 million Coronavirus Relief Fund for Undocumented Immigrants, College Students
The Chicago Resiliency Fund is a cash assistance program to support Chicago residents who were excluded from federal stimulus aid in response to COVID-19.
The City of Chicago in collaboration with Open Society Foundations and The Resurrection Project (TRP) is launching the fund in mid-June 2020. The fund will provide $1,000 per household for eligible Chicagoans, which includes, but is not limited to, undocumented individuals, mixed-status families, dependent adults and returning residents.
Applications will begin to be accepted on June 22, 2020. For more information, including ways to apply for assistance, eligibility requirements and ways to donate to the fund please visit the Resurrection Project.
Illinois to Become First State to Provide Medicaid Regardless of Immigration Status
Illinois will become the first state to provide Medicaid for undocumented seniors not only because of what state Rep. Delia Ramirez has heard from her constituents, but because of her own family’s experience.
Tucked in near the end of the 465-page budget implementation bill that passed the Illinois General Assembly late Saturday (June 9) night was a provision giving Medicaid access to noncitizens over 65 years old and whose income is $12,670 or less, which is at or under the federal poverty level.
Continue reading the full article here.